Exhibition dates: April 17 – May 19, 2019
Exhibit Hours: Thursdays – Sundays, 11 am – 4 pm
41 Ross Alley, San Francisco 94108
Opening Reception: April 17, 6-8 pm
Opening night will also present a chair conversation with ALEXANDMUSHI and poetry reading from JiaJing Liu
Additional Programming:
May 4 from 2-3:30 pm Crossing Walls with Astrid Kaemmerling
展覽日期: 4/17 – 5/19
開放時間: 逢星期四至日,上午11時至下午4時
開幕: 4月17日,星期三,晚上6時至8時
開幕當晚也會呈現 ALEXANDMUSHI的座談以及JiaJing Liu的詩朗讀
額外項目:5月4日,星期六,下午2時至3時30分:Astrid Kaemmerling 交叉圍墻
Exhibition dates: April 17 – May 19, 2019
Exhibit Hours: Thursdays – Sundays, 11 am – 4 pm
41 Ross Alley, San Francisco 94108
Opening Reception: April 17, 6-8 pm
Opening night will also present a chair conversation with ALEXANDMUSHI and poetry reading from JiaJing Liu
Additional Programming:
May 4 from 2-3:30 pm Crossing Walls with Astrid Kaemmerling
展覽日期: 4/17 – 5/19
開放時間: 逢星期四至日,上午11時至下午4時
開幕: 4月17日,星期三,晚上6時至8時
開幕當晚也會呈現 ALEXANDMUSHI的座談以及JiaJing Liu的詩朗讀
額外項目:5月4日,星期六,下午2時至3時30分:Astrid Kaemmerling 交叉圍墻
Exhibition dates: April 17 – May 19, 2019
Exhibit Hours: Thursdays – Sundays, 11 am – 4 pm
41 Ross Alley, San Francisco 94108
Opening Reception: April 17, 6-8 pm
Opening night will also present a chair conversation with ALEXANDMUSHI and poetry reading from JiaJing Liu
Additional Programming:
May 4 from 2-3:30 pm Crossing Walls with Astrid Kaemmerling
展覽日期: 4/17 – 5/19
開放時間: 逢星期四至日,上午11時至下午4時
開幕: 4月17日,星期三,晚上6時至8時
開幕當晚也會呈現 ALEXANDMUSHI的座談以及JiaJing Liu的詩朗讀
額外項目:5月4日,星期六,下午2時至3時30分:Astrid Kaemmerling 交叉圍墻
Leymusoom SarangBang Grand Opening
(레이무숨 사랑방 개장 행사 // 六毋神之舍廊房慶典)

Situated in historic Ross Alley in San Francisco Chinatown, 41 Ross launched in 2014 as a collaboration between the Chinatown Community Development Center and the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco. Functioning as an art gallery, interactive creative studio, and community resource space, 41 Ross brings together local residents, neighbors, and visitors to engage in art and culture-making activities. Through its cultural programming, 41 Ross aims to promote dialogue, appreciation, and creative engagement around the local culture practice by everyday people in Chinatown.
Founded in 1977 by five grassroots groups, the Chinatown Community Development Center builds community and enhances the quality of life for San Francisco residents through advocacy, development, and management of affordable housing and comprehensive neighborhood improvement.
Founded in 1965, the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco elevates underserved communities and gives voice to equality through education and contemporary art. By providing a safe environment for artists who champion activism, resiliency, and healthy communities, they shift dominant narratives, empower change, and reimagine the future.