Feb 6- Mar 22, 2020
Developed by Chinatown Community Development Center (CCDC), Made in Chinatown心繫華埠 showcases the role that Chinatown’s local businesses, with their unique products, play for shoppers in their daily lives and on special occasions. Artists Vida K 鄺楚瑩and Kelly Ma 馬慧欣illustrations that tell three shoppers’ journeys through the many stores and how they create foods and experiences for their families.
San Francisco Chinatown’s many businesses provide shoppers with a wide variety of fresh, affordable, and hard-to-find items and ingredients. Many of these products are still made on site in the neighborhood – from Chinese sausages to silky tofu, from printed wedding invitations to custom dresses. Chinatown continues to be a destination for Chinese Americans hoping to maintain and rediscover their cultural heritage and create lasting memories amongst their family and friends.
Made in Chinatown will be on view from Thursday, February 6 through Sunday, March 22, 2020. This exhibit is in association with Spotlight Chinatown, a neighborhood marketing program supported in part by the San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) and San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA).
「心繫華埠」將從周四,1月30日展覽到星期日,2020年3月22日。該展覽與Spotlight Chinatown聯合製作,一個獲得三藩市經濟及勞動力發展辦公室(OEWD)和三藩市交通局(MTA)支持的社區經濟發展項目。這次舊呂宋巷41號畫展是由美國克雷奇基金會和地方創業支持聯盟慷慨贊助。
