“OUT | 出 | MUSEUM: A Chinese Queer Museum” Artist-led Reception:
"中国酷兒博物馆" 開幕招待會
April 12 | 5:30-9pm
“OUT | 出 | MUSEUM: A Chinese Queer Museum” Exhibition:
"中国酷兒博物馆" 展覽
April 11 - June 29 (Thurs - Sat) | 11am-4pm
41 Ross Alley, San Francisco Chinatown
Presented by Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco
During APA Heritage Month and Pride Month, CCC proudly presents the newest edition of the 41 Ross Artist-in-Residence, featuring queer artist-activist Xiangqi Chen. Chen will transform 41 Ross into the "OUT/出 MUSEUM," a Chinese queer museum prototype with the dream of realizing an institution that will collect, safeguard, and showcase China's queer movement, art, and stories. For a growing queer Chinese diasporic community, "OUT | 出" means to come out and be proud, while also alluding to the complicated realities of "getting out" of somewhere– whether driven by fear or by hope.
For more than 20 years, Chen has played a pivotal role in shaping the narrative and progress of the LGBTQI+ movement in China. In 2005, Chen established Shanghai's first grassroots organization devoted to lesbian women in Shanghai. In 2012, Chen orchestrated the “I can be slutty, but you cannot harass me” (我可以騷,你不能擾). art intervention against sexual harassment in the subway, sparking the first national dialogue on sexual harassment in China. During 2018-2019, Chen directed a first-of-its-kind documentary film "Shanghai Queer," offering a comprehensive portrayal of Shanghai’s LGBTQI+ movement for the past 15 years. This will be the first time for Chen to imagine her journey through a “museum” format, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the first American gay couple’s marriage in San Francisco.
From April 11 to June 29, 2024, the "prototype museum" will be the home to Chen’s personal collection, featuring an exhibition, films, panel talks, and a series of pop-up performances by Chinese queer and feminist artists. Join us in honoring the power that shapes our global LGBTQ+ community.
You are invited to an artist reception on April 12th, 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm, to meet the artist. There will be light refreshments and an artist sharing.
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About Xiangqi Chen
Xiangqi Chen, a prominent advocate and practitioner within the LGBTQ+ community in China. She is a 2023 Georgetown University Visiting Scholar. Recognized for her impactful contributions, she was honored as one of TIMEOUT(Shanghai)'s 2018 Industry Leaders 50. Chen stands among the first generation of LGBTQI+ activists in China, dedicating over two decades to the advancement of the movement. Her journey began in 2002 when she founded the Chinese Lesbian website. In 2005, she established Shanghai Nvai, the first grassroots NGO devoted to lesbian women in Shanghai. Notably, she served as the inaugural and subsequent Secretary General of the Chinese LALA Alliance in 2008.
In 2012, Chen orchestrated the “I can be slutty, but you cannot harass me” (我可以騷,你不能擾). performance art against sexual harassment in the subway, sparking the first national dialogue on sexual harassment in China. Further showcasing her commitment, in 2013, she produced "From the Vagina," a documentary presenting a decade-long history of the development of the feminist drama "The Vagina Monologues" in China. During 2018-2019, Chen directed a first-of-its-kind documentary film "Shanghai Queer," offering a comprehensive portrayal of the development of Shanghai’s LGBTQI+ movement over the past 15 years. Her multi-faceted involvement underscores her pivotal role in shaping the narrative and progress of the LGBTQI+ movement in China.
陳想起是中國LGBT社群的推動者和踐行者,她受邀成為2023年美國喬治城大學訪問學者,她因其具有影響力的貢獻而入選《TIMEOUT》( 上海)2018年"業界領袖50人。
陳想起是中國第一代LGBT活動家之一,參與中國LGBT運動超過20年。 從2002年建立中國拉拉網站到2005年創立上海第一個關注女同志的LGBT草根機構「女愛」;2008年被推選為華人拉拉聯盟的第一屆秘書長;2008-2012年曾分別 建立了上海性/別/ LGBT文化中心和女性主義咖啡館;2012年策劃和發起“我可以騷你不能擾”反地鐵性騷擾的行為藝術,引發了中國第一次針對性騷擾的全民討論;2013年 擔任《來自陰道》製片人,呈現了女性主義話劇《陰道獨白》在中國發展的十年曆史;2018年-2019年擔任導演製作完成《上海酷兒》,呈現上海15年LGBTQ運動發展歷史的 紀錄片。
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